Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Audience research for Crime films

 For research into the type of audience we would research we decided to use the films Dredd and Lawless, which are both crime films.

As you can see from theses pie charts crime films are very popular among the male audience as they are often attracted to bloody murders and very macho detectives. A majority of the audience are also young to middle aged around the 15-34 year olds, this also adds to the idea that the film is aimed at the young people with the violence, and also the movies are commonly given 15 or 18 ratings so they can have more violence. Dredd however has a lower proportion of 15-24 year olds possibly because it is a 18 rating. Also the majority of people who see these films are classified as C1 which is lower middle class, this suggests that most of these people have financial security for the near future, this would be normal as they are the most common type of person who goes to the movies, especially for the age ranges used as they are probably in the service type jobs of the lower middle class.

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